Several new wind projects have had their turbine sizes scaled back after community feedback. But why do they have to be so ...
Massive offshore wind project in Gippsland wants to erect turbines that are 375m tall, but that is just one small part of the ...
A recent paper under open review and discussion at the Center for Open Science delves deeply into evidence of conflicts of ...
The energy return on investment for wind and solar technologies in New Zealand is becoming comparable to hydropower.
The independent launched his political career with a dance backing renewable energy by impersonating a windmill. Today, he’s ...
Mining industry boss Andrew Michelmore said Victoria was ... of its foundational energy strengths,” he said, highlighting the “stalled progress” of offshore wind, solar, wind and ...
OAK CREEK, Wis. - New plans for a natural gas power plant in Oak Creek are causing a debate. Two public hearings will be held ...
Before the 2010 election, Julia Gillard only had to say just once, “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead”, ...
Equis Australia has secured A$260m ($163m) financing and begun construction for the 250MW/500 megawatt hours (MWh) Calala ...
Greens and Labor are lunging at each other’s throats over controversial amendments to the EPBC Act, which are designed to ...
The Coalition nuclear policy is hitting voters' hip pockets before they get their say on whether it’s part of Australia's ...
A rare bit of good news for the climate crisis: countries are actually ramping up their renewable ambitions from Canary on ...