Titans - Mythopedia
Mar 13, 2023 · The Titans were ancient gods of Greek mythology —children of Uranus and Gaia who dominated the cosmos before the Olympians. Cronus, the youngest Titan, became the ruler of the gods after he usurped his father Uranus. Fearing a similar fate, Cronus swallowed each of his children as soon as they were born in order to maintain his power.
Greek Titans - Mythopedia
Mar 10, 2023 · Though they were sometimes represented as cruel in Greek mythology, the period during which the Titans ruled was nonetheless regarded as a Golden Age. Unlike the Olympians, however, the Titans were almost never worshiped in ancient Greece (an exception is Rhea, the mother of Zeus and the Olympians, who was sometimes worshiped as “Mother of ...
Hyperion - Mythopedia
Mar 10, 2023 · Hyperion was a Greek Titan who, along with most of his siblings, fought for the right to rule the cosmos but lost to the Olympians. Rarely mentioned in myths, he is best known for fathering the gods of the sun, moon, and dawn.
Atlas - Mythopedia
Mar 11, 2023 · Atlas had a large family with connections across Greek mythology. According to the best-known tradition, he was the son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanid Clymene, though there was another version in which his mother was Asia (also an Oceanid). Atlas had several brothers, including Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoetius.
Rhea - Mythopedia
Mar 9, 2023 · By the fourth century BCE (if not earlier), Rhea was widely identified with the Phrygian mother goddess Cybele. Indeed, in Greek literature and cult, the names Rhea and Cybele were often used interchangeably. The strange mythology of Cybele can thus be added to the familiar early myths of the Titan Rhea. Statuette of Cybele (ca. 300 BCE).
Crius - Mythopedia
Mar 10, 2023 · Crius was a Greek Titan whose name, the “ram,” signaled strength and virility. Little is known about him; he is best remembered for his children and grandchildren, including the goddesses Hecate and Nike and the monstrous creature Scylla.
Oceanus - Mythopedia
Mar 9, 2023 · Mythology. Oceanus acquired a reputation as a sort of pacifist among the blustering and belligerent Titans. According to the mythographer Apollodorus, Oceanus was the only Titan who did not participate in Cronus’ attack on their father, Uranu
Helios - Mythopedia
Dec 7, 2022 · Diodorus of Sicily (ca. 90–ca. 30 BCE): There are references to Helios’ mythology and genealogy in the Library of History. Strabo (64/63 BCE–ca. 24 CE): There are references to Helios’ worship and mythology in the Geography. Pausanias (ca. 110–ca. 180 CE): There are references to Helios’ mythology and worship in the Description of ...
Leto – Mythopedia
Dec 7, 2022 · Mythology Origins. Leto was the daughter of the Titans Coeus and Phoebe. Though her parentage is clear, her place of birth was a source of debate in antiquity: some sources said she was born on the island of Cos in the southeast Aegean, while others insisted that she came from the mysterious northern land of the Hyperboreans.
Themis - Mythopedia
Mar 10, 2023 · Themis was a Greek Titan most famous for embodying the concept of justice. Unlike the other Titans, she sided with the Olympians in their celestial war with her brethren. Today, her image survives as “Lady Justice,” wearing a chiton (a kind of tunic) and holding a set of balanced scales.